A Leading Web, eCommerce and App Development Company !

A Leading Web, eCommerce and App Development Company !

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Hire Programmers

Script Biz is a front-line full spectrum web and mobile development company providing result-oriented cost-effective solutions to enterprises - big, medium and small - spread across the world. Behind this eminent brand there also exists an impressive track-record as a preferred IT outsourcing solution provider. Keeping pace with the fast moving and ever-changing space in the world of information technology, Script Biz strives to keep abreast of the latest of technologies and bring in innovative ideas constantly in the projects it undertakes.

Our clients have two options to choose from

  1. Entrust your project to Script Biz and leave it to our in-house development managers to complete the job on your behalf.
  2. Hire our professionals from us on remote staffing basis, and guide them to complete your project entirely to your liking. In this option you enjoy the freedom of your overriding presence right from the beginning till the end of your project.

Why is the route of outsourcing viewed to be a ground-breaking one?

  1. Outsourcing is synonymous with economy. The most luring aspect of outsourcing your job to remote staff hired at a distant location lies in the remarkable amount of economy you are likely to achieve in the process. Depending on the geographic location of the country and the location of the remote staff you engage, your project cost could come down to half or one third of the estimated cost in your home country.
  2. Minimize or even eliminate the need for a full fledged in-house development set up. Your remote staff may still be at work in a distant location in another part of the globe even as you are having a good night's sleep.
  3. Save money on manpower. Save on avoidable office set up, staff salary, medical and other social benefits, traveling allowance, electricity and telephone bills and so on.
  4. Save on man-hour lost to commute by your office staff. Regular commuters subject themselves to routine stress causing them to under perform at the place of duty.
  5. Remote staff is likely to be more relaxed in home conditions than your own staff in the office. A relaxed mind in a relaxed ambience is likely to be far more productive.
  6. Assure yourself access to work talent from around the world. When you get your project done by your own employees, you restrict yourself to the limited availability of local manpower only. While outsourcing your project to a distant location, however, you always have the opportunity to make sure that you entrust your job to the best people in business.
  7. While you engage your remote staff to complete your project, and are in a position to monitor the progress as and when you like, you save ample time to concentrate on other pressing matters.

Case Studies

We possess an efficient line-up comprising highly competent and experienced in-house IT professionals who account for an imposing workforce with acumen coupled with decades of combined experience in managing high-end websites for satisfied customers all across the world.

Please scroll down this page to have a short glimpse of just a few out of the huge number of prominent, high-quality, cutting edge websites developed and managed by us until recently.

Customer Reviews