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A Leading Web, eCommerce and App Development Company !

iTech Apparel Shop Script v11.67

Category: Apparel Shop


$225.00 $450.00

iTech Apparel Shop Script is a turnkey solution that helps you to launch your own shopping website suitable for clothes shopping and fashion websites. It's a fully functional shopping cart that gives you the ability to seamlessly run your online garment store. We welcome you to contact us or schedule a live demo with one of our experts. Fully transparent and editable PHP source code is included.

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Product Description

Typical online stores allow customers to browse the products and services, view photos or images, features and pricing. Customers want to find them and pay online. The customer often wants a contact less delivery or in-store pickup. Simplicity should be the goal of good design and you don't have to sacrifice elegance for it. The goal is to help buyers get what they want, faster and without unnecessary complications.

Online sellers have minutes, if not seconds, to sell. Focus on the user experience by providing purchase categories, filters and comparisons. With a responsive website, the content easily adapts to the device you have access to in order to provide the most user-friendly experience possible.

You might think that negative opinions are killing sales. In fact, the opposite is true. Negative reviews can often be positive. Products without negative reviews are censored and buyers assume positive reviews are false. Most ecommerce sites use special offers for their general marketing activities via email, social media sites, text messages, etc. When customers understand they are getting a special offer, they encourage them to buy more and spend more time researching the site.

Ecommerce sites that don't use wishlists are dropping revenue. This is an opportunity to share the brand with new customers. When shoppers share their wishlist with family and friends, they send free traffic to the website with a built-in community certificate. The social bond is undeniable and the ability to connect with the audience is now easier than ever. Buyers are overwhelmed by the constant flow of "buy now" offers. Brands that have social relationships with customers build relationships for a lifetime. They offer products that help others and take care of people.

E-commerce sites can be attractive targets for cyber criminals. It is important that online sellers protect customer data and take steps to ensure privacy. Pay attention to ease of use when making one-click purchases. Customers with a registered account can shop at the push of a button. There are many popular online payment options. The key is to understand the customer and implement the most effective solution.

It is worrying that unexpected shipping costs are the number one reason for cart abandonment. It also makes sense to specify fast delivery times and delivery options. The countries that are on the websites should be listed. When it comes to running an e-commerce website that does most of its business online, nothing creates more trust than the explicit and familiar "contact us" feature. This is especially true if you are selling a high quality product or a technical product. A return policy is an essential feature of any ecommerce site. The right of return must be clearly visible, well written or illustrated. This is another trait of online selling that builds trust. This ensures customers that the brand is there for them when they are dissatisfied or need a different size.

Online fashion shopping is a boon for brands. Many people might not have thought that thousands of people would flood ecommerce sites to buy fashion, clothing, etc. without trying or reviewing the product! There are already thousands of fashion stores on the internet. In such a crowded place, your online fashion store will have to put extra effort into attracting customers and building their trust in order to stand out.

Are you ready to embark on an exciting fashion journey? Imagine having a thriving online apparel store that captivates customers from around the globe. With our professional team by your side, your fashion empire is just a few clicks away!

Step into the world of online fashion retail, where endless possibilities await. An online apparel store is your gateway to an incredible market of fashion enthusiasts, eager to discover unique styles and trendy accessories. Whether you're passionate about streetwear, haute couture, or bohemian chic, the online realm is where your fashion aspirations can truly shine!

Picture this: a beautifully designed website, meticulously crafted to showcase your clothing line in all its glory. From stylish dresses that make heads turn to hip and trendy sneakers that ignite the streets, your virtual storefront will leave customers in awe. With high-resolution images, captivating product descriptions, and customer reviews, your online oasis becomes a go-to destination for fashion-forward individuals seeking that perfect outfit.

But it doesn't stop there. An online apparel store offers unparalleled convenience and flexibility for both you and your customers. Imagine managing your inventory effortlessly, tracking sales in real-time, and processing orders from the comfort of your own sanctuary. No longer bound by physical store limitations, your fashion empire transcends borders, reaching fashionistas in every corner of the world. The possibilities are limitless!

Let's talk about profitability, shall we? The fashion e-commerce market is a bustling ecosystem, teeming with opportunity. By leveraging our expertise in online retail, you can unlock the full potential of this lucrative industry. With the right strategies, a well-curated product selection, and an immersive shopping experience, your online apparel store becomes a revenue-generating powerhouse. It's not just about selling clothes—it's about creating an unforgettable fashion experience that keeps customers coming back for more.

Now, it's time to turn your dreams into reality. Our professional team of developers is eager to bring your vision to life. We specialize in crafting tailor-made online apparel stores that are as unique as your fashion sense. Collaborating closely with you, we'll blend stunning aesthetics, seamless user experience, and robust functionality to create a truly exceptional platform. From secure payment gateways to efficient inventory management, we've got you covered!

Ready to embark on this thrilling adventure? Reach out to us today to connect with our team of fashion enthusiasts and tech-savvy professionals. Let's join forces and transform your online apparel store into a captivating fashion destination. Get ready to dazzle the world with your style and unleash your entrepreneurial spirit like never before!

Remember, the fashion world is waiting for you. Let's make your mark together!

  1. Latest version of PHP.
  2. PWA ready design (standards-compliant browser, including both desktop and mobile devices).
  3. Multiple vendor support.
  4. Multilingual support.
  5. Multiple currency support.
  6. Easy customizable template.
  7. Multiple product specifications (size & color) for each product.
  8. Fully scalable architecture.
  9. Complimentary mobile apps (Android & Windows).

With an eye to constant upgradation of our products under a dynamic work culture, the product features-list gets updated as an ongoing process reflecting the latest inclusions /exclusions. The buyers may please bear in mind that product-features available on the date of purchase only shall be valid. Any claims/demands by the buyer on a later date for features with reference to any features-list prior to the date of purchase, or updated after the date of purchase shall not be entertained.

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Main Features

We are super excited to share the features included in the latest release. Once you try the demo we know you'll love it. There will be even more features available in the future.

Special Offers

  • White Label (No Back-link).
  • Latest Technology (PHP 7+, MySQLi).
  • Responsive Layout (Mobile, Tablet, Desktop).
  • Browser Independent (Edge, Firefox, Chrome).
  • Optimized Content (Twice Faster).
  • Fully Scalable (Up to Million Users).
  • Price Challenge (Lowest Price Guaranteed).
  • No Recurring Charges (One-time Purchase).
  • No Hidden Charges (Fully Transparent).
  • Progressive Web App - Android (Compiled APK)
  • Progressive Web App - iOS (Xcode Version)
  • Free Installation Assistance (36 Months).
  • Free After-Sales Service (36 Months).
  • Free Software Update (36 Months).
  • SEO Service (USD175/month USD245).
  • Content Writing Service (USD15/page USD25).
  • Social Media Management (USD150/month USD225).

Revenue model

  • Subscription Fee from Sellers/Vendors: Sellers or vendors pay a subscription fee for access to the platform, enabling them to list and sell garments.
  • Admin Commission on Transactions: The platform earns a commission on every transaction made between buyers and sellers.
  • Header and Footer Sections for Google AdSense: Utilize header and footer sections for Google AdSense to generate additional revenue through targeted advertisements.

Script features

  • Trendy Mobile-Responsive Design: The platform features a modern and responsive design, ensuring a seamless experience on various devices.
  • Ajax-Based Interface: Enhance user interaction with an Ajax-based interface, providing a dynamic and responsive user experience.
  • PWA Ready Design: The design is Progressive Web App (PWA) ready, allowing users to access the platform like a native app.
  • Easy Customizable Template: The platform's template is easy to customize, providing flexibility for future updates and modifications.
  • Multi-Vendor/Multiple Seller System: Implement a robust multi-vendor system allowing multiple sellers to list and manage their garments independently.
  • Payment Gateway Integration: PayPal and Razorpay are pre-integrated for secure and convenient payment transactions.

Buyer interface

  • Easy Registration and Shopping: Buyers can easily register and enjoy a seamless shopping experience with Ajax-based "add to cart" functionality.
  • Variants and Customization: Buyers can select color and size variants at different stages - garment details page, shopping cart page, and checkout page.
  • Advanced Shopping Features: Buyers can change quantities at the shopping cart and checkout pages, select payment modes, leave comments for sellers, and apply discount coupons.
  • Order History and Management: Full order history, order details for each order, and the ability to modify shipping addresses enhance the buyer's experience.
  • Wishlist, Questions, and Reviews: Buyers can add items to the wishlist, ask questions to sellers, view previous questions/answers, and leave reviews for garments.
  • Search and Filter Options: Advanced search options include searching by keyword, category/subcategory, price range, brands, and more.
  • Multi-Language and Multi-Currency Support: Buyers can change the website language and currency, catering to a diverse user base.

Vendor/ Seller panel

  • User-Friendly Registration and Product Listing: Sellers experience a straightforward registration process and can easily list garment items with detailed descriptions, features, and images.
  • Product Management with Variants: Sellers can add color and size variants, manage stock amounts, and include a YouTube video link for enhanced product visibility.
  • Subscription Management: Sellers can pay for subscription packages, check subscription status, and request money withdrawals.
  • Order and Subscription Status: Sellers can check the shipment status, return requests, and manage their subscription status.
  • Financial Management: Detailed financial features include checking account balance, requesting money withdrawal, and monitoring withdrawal request status.

Admin Panel

  • Comprehensive Product and User Management: Admins have a detailed overview of listed products, sellers, buyers, and can approve/disapprove garment images and reviews.
  • Geographical and Category Management: Admins can manage cities, countries, categories, color variants, garment brands, and product brands for effective categorization.
  • Content Editing and Configuration: Admins have the ability to edit content sections, configure subscription packages, manage discount coupons, and set website currencies.
  • Financial Reports and Sales Management: Admins can view sales reports filtered by date, manage vendor withdrawal requests, and set the admin commission per transaction.
  • Customization and Branding: Admins can change website titles, names, update copyright text, and configure links and meta information for branding consistency.
  • Ad Management and Logo Change: Admins can manage homepage sliders, banner images, ad images, change the website logo, and utilize AdSense for additional revenue.

Customization Service

Those special buyers, passionate about the uniqueness of their individual projects, and unwilling to settle for a ready solution possibly being used by many others, should rather approach our programmers for custom development, a process conforming fully to your preferences.

We are a front-line full spectrum web and mobile development company providing result-oriented cost-effective solutions to enterprises - big, medium and small - spread across the world. At Script Biz we encourage clients to speak out as clearly as possible about what exactly they want. Our in-house professionals extract essential inputs for the project from these routine interactions. Because your inputs form a vital part of our customization strategy as we carry them all the way through the development journey.

Getting started

To start with, you need to contact us and narrate your ideas, viewpoints and requirements. Our experts analyze these points minutely to lay out a preliminary course of action. On the basis of subsequent discussions between you and a member of our team of developers, the layout for the final course of action is decided and the process of development gets going. You may please share your inputs online, as prompted, and wait briefly for the response. You will get to know everything related to your ready custom project from the person responding to you.

Just share your personalized needs and choices with us and see your pet project taking shape at a most affordable cost unmatched by any other under supervision of a dedicated project manager. Alternatively, you may also call our customer help desk and speak to our ever-friendly customer care executive, who will ask you a few simple questions to ascertain your requirements and guide you to the next step.

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