A Leading Web, eCommerce and App Development Company !

A Leading Web, eCommerce and App Development Company !

iTech B2B Script Pro v5.30



$950.00 $1500.00

The most favored web solution for webmasters aspiring to launch B2B Portals at minimum investment of time, money and effort. The script, written in PHP/MySQL, is an easily customizable solution. Its low pricing makes it a big favorite with entrepreneurs in every sector of business. We welcome you to contact us or schedule a live demo with one of our experts. Fully transparent and editable PHP source code is included.

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Product Description

Introducing the Future of B2B Commerce - Your Turnkey Website Solution

In the dynamic landscape of online commerce, B2B websites have emerged as a powerhouse for businesses looking to expand their reach, connect with like-minded enterprises, and elevate their profitability. Our topnotch web development company is proud to present a game-changing turnkey website solution tailored specifically for entrepreneurs eager to embark on the B2B journey.

What is a B2B Website?

A B2B website serves as a digital marketplace where businesses converge to promote their products and services to a targeted audience. It's a virtual space where enterprises can register, list their offerings, and establish meaningful connections with potential partners, all within a user-friendly and efficient platform.

The Essentiality of B2B Websites for Businesses

In today's hyperconnected world, having a strong online presence is not a luxury but a necessity. B2B websites play a pivotal role in this endeavor by providing businesses with a dedicated platform to showcase their products and services. Whether you're a seasoned industry player or a budding startup, a B2B website unlocks a world of opportunities to network, collaborate, and ultimately, grow.

Profitability Beyond Measure

The profitability potential of a B2B website is boundless. By tapping into a vast network of businesses hungry for new opportunities, you position yourself at the epicenter of a thriving marketplace. As businesses flock to advertise their offerings, you have the chance to monetize through nominal registration fees, premium listings, and other revenue streams, ensuring a steady flow of income.

Diverse Revenue Generation Modes

Our turnkey solution is engineered for maximum revenue diversification. Similar to industry giants like OLX and Quikr, we offer features that empower you to create a multi-faceted revenue model. From premium listings to featured showcases, banner advertisements, and more, you have the flexibility to tailor your revenue strategy to match your unique vision and goals.

Multi-Currency Support and Full Multilingual Capabilities

In a globalized economy, diversity is key. That's why our turnkey solution comes equipped with robust multi-currency support, allowing businesses from around the world to engage seamlessly. Additionally, our fully multilingual capabilities break down language barriers, ensuring that your platform is accessible and welcoming to a global audience.

Customization that Sets You Apart

We understand that every business is unique. That's why we offer extensive customization services at rates lower than market standards. Tailor your platform to reflect your brand identity, implement custom fields, and integrate specialized features. With our turnkey solution, you have the power to stand out and make your mark in the B2B marketplace.

Embracing Both B2B and B2C Dynamics

Versatility is the cornerstone of success. Our platform is designed to support both B2B and B2C features, allowing you to cater to a wide range of businesses and consumers. Whether you're connecting wholesalers with retailers or providing a platform for direct sales, our turnkey solution adapts to your needs.

Added Value, Every Step of the Way

We believe in going the extra mile. That's why we offer a range of complimentary services, including free design integration, seamless payment gateway setup, and even customization options at no extra cost. Our goal is to empower you with the tools and support needed to launch and succeed in the world of B2B commerce.

In conclusion, our turnkey website solution is not just a platform—it's a catalyst for growth, a gateway to new opportunities, and a testament to our commitment to excellence. Elevate your B2B venture with a platform that combines cutting-edge technology with unparalleled customization options. Join us in revolutionizing the way businesses connect and thrive online.

Contact us today to embark on your journey towards B2B success!

With an eye to constant upgradation of our products under a dynamic work culture, the product features-list gets updated as an ongoing process reflecting the latest inclusions /exclusions. The buyers may please bear in mind that product-features available on the date of purchase only shall be valid. Any claims/demands by the buyer on a later date for features with reference to any features-list prior to the date of purchase, or updated after the date of purchase shall not be entertained.

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Main Features

We are super excited to share the features included in the latest release. Once you try the demo we know you'll love it. There will be even more features available in the future.

Special Offers

  • White Label (No Back-link).
  • Latest Technology (PHP 7+, MySQLi).
  • Responsive Layout (Mobile, Tablet, Desktop).
  • Browser Independent (Edge, Firefox, Chrome).
  • Optimized Content (Twice Faster).
  • Fully Scalable (Up to Million Users).
  • Price Challenge (Lowest Price Guaranteed).
  • No Recurring Charges (One-time Purchase).
  • No Hidden Charges (Fully Transparent).
  • Progressive Web App - Android (Compiled APK)
  • Progressive Web App - iOS (Xcode Version)
  • Free Installation Service (36 Months).
  • Free Unique Design Integration (Fully Mobile Responsive).
  • Free Payment Gateway Integration.
  • Free SMS Gateway Integration.
  • Free Personalization Service.
  • Free Hosting Service (12 Months).
  • Free After-Sales Service (36 Months).
  • Free Software Update (36 Months).
  • SEO Service (USD175/month USD245).
  • Content Writing Service (USD15/page USD25).
  • Social Media Management (USD150/month USD225).

Revenue model

  • Enhanced Product Listings Payment: Sellers make payments to boost their products' visibility on the platform.
  • Premium Product Listings Payment: Sellers opt for premium listings by making additional payments for increased exposure.
  • Google AdSense in Header and Footer: Revenue is generated by strategically placing Google AdSense advertisements in the website header and footer.
  • Homepage Banner Advertisements: Additional revenue is generated through advertisements in the homepage banner space.

Script features

  • Stylish and Mobile-Optimized Design: The platform boasts a stylish design for optimal performance on various devices.
  • Ajax-Based Interface: Utilizes an Ajax-based interface for seamless and dynamic user interactions without page reloads.
  • MVC Architecture: The script follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture, providing a structured and efficient development framework.
  • Codeigniter Framework: Built on the reliable, flexible, and streamlined Codeigniter framework.
  • PWA Ready Design: Designed to be Progressive Web App (PWA) ready, offering enhanced performance and user engagement.
  • Easily Customizable Template: Users have the flexibility to easily customize templates for a personalized look.
  • Seamless PayPal Integration: PayPal is seamlessly integrated, providing a secure and convenient payment option.
  • Offline Payment System: Supports an offline payment system for enhanced payment flexibility.
  • Multilingual Capabilities: Offers multilingual support for a diverse user base.
  • Multi-Currency Support: Supports multiple currencies to cater to a global audience.

Front-end features

  • Featured Products Display: Showcases featured products on the homepage for increased visibility.
  • Latest Products Showcase: Highlights the latest products to keep users informed about new offerings.
  • Efficient Keyword-Based Product Search: Enables users to efficiently search for products using relevant keywords.
  • Category Filtering: Allows users to filter products based on categories for a streamlined shopping experience.
  • Subcategory Refinement: Refines search results further with subcategory filtering.
  • Price Range Filters: Users can set price range filters for targeted product searches.
  • Request a Callback Feature: Provides a callback feature for user convenience.
  • Access to Seller Contact Information: Allows users to access seller contact information for inquiries.
  • Wishlist Functionality: Enables users to add products to a wishlist for future reference.
  • Report Abuse: Users can report abuse or inappropriate content for platform integrity.
  • Post a Similar Product: Allows users to post a product similar to the one being viewed.

Seller panel

  • User-Friendly Registration Interface: Ensures a smooth onboarding process for sellers.
  • Profile Management: Allows easy management and updates of seller profiles.
  • Effortless Product Listing: Simplifies the product listing process for sellers.
  • Brand Selection and Management: Facilitates brand selection and management for sellers.
  • Category and Subcategory Selection: Allows sellers to select categories and subcategories for their products.
  • Product Brand Assignment: Provides options for assigning brands to products.
  • Suggest New Product Brands: Allows sellers to suggest new product brands for consideration.
  • Request Inclusion of Proprietary Brands: Gives sellers the option to request the inclusion of proprietary brands.
  • Boost Product Visibility: Sellers can opt for free or premium listings to boost product visibility and ranking.
  • Flexible Payment Methods: Supports various payment methods, both offline and online.
  • Generate Orders for Future Payment: Allows sellers to generate orders for future payment processing.
  • Message Management: Sellers can view messages from interested buyers, review and respond to buyer feedback, and access lists of posted reviews.
  • Product Listing Management: Enables sellers to manage listed products, pause or resume listings, view paused products, and review products suspended by the admin.
  • Appeals and Order Details: Sellers can lodge appeals for product reinstatement, view order details, and process payments.
  • Payment Records: Sellers have access to payment records and transaction history.

Admin Console

  • Configure Website Settings: Admin can configure various website settings.
  • Customize Website Title and Name: Allows customization of the website title and name.
  • Upload Logo and Favicon: Admin can upload logos and favicons for branding.
  • Manage Social Media Links: Provides options to manage social media links for the platform.
  • Set Product Boost and Premium Listing Prices: Admin can set prices for boosting products and premium listings by category.
  • Define Default Currency and Manage Additional Currencies: Admin has control over default currency and additional currency management.
  • Adjust Conversion Rates: Allows admin to adjust conversion rates for different currencies.
  • Edit Payment Gateway and Bank Details: Admin can edit payment gateway and bank details.
  • Enable/Disable Bank Transfer and Cheque Payments: Admin has the option to enable or disable bank transfer and cheque payments.
  • Monitor and Manage Orders: Admin can search orders by ID, process offline orders, and review and sort payments by date range.
  • Manage Seller Accounts and Profiles: Admin can upload seller photos, search sellers by email or name, review seller registration dates, view latest seller registrations, verify, suspend, or activate seller accounts, view and edit seller details, delete seller accounts, and add and manage products.
  • Search Products and View Details: Admin can search products by keywords, type, or date range, view product details, edit information, pause or suspend products, delete products, add custom fields for categories, subcategories, and types, manage dropdown list values, and add, edit, or delete website languages.
  • Monitor Abuse Reports and Reviews: Admin can monitor abuse reports and reviews, handle appeals for suspended products, manage "contact seller" messages, add, edit, or delete cities and countries, create and manage categories with images, provide security tips for each category, add, edit, or delete subcategories, types, and brands, and customize homepage sliders, testimonials, and advertisements.
  • Content Management: Admin can manage FAQ contents, terms and conditions, about us, privacy policy, and custom pages.
  • Integrate Google AdSense: Admin can integrate Google AdSense code for additional advertising revenue.

Customization Service

Those special buyers, passionate about the uniqueness of their individual projects, and unwilling to settle for a ready solution possibly being used by many others, should rather approach our programmers for custom development, a process conforming fully to your preferences.

We are a front-line full spectrum web and mobile development company providing result-oriented cost-effective solutions to enterprises - big, medium and small - spread across the world. At Script Biz we encourage clients to speak out as clearly as possible about what exactly they want. Our in-house professionals extract essential inputs for the project from these routine interactions. Because your inputs form a vital part of our customization strategy as we carry them all the way through the development journey.

Getting started

To start with, you need to contact us and narrate your ideas, viewpoints and requirements. Our experts analyze these points minutely to lay out a preliminary course of action. On the basis of subsequent discussions between you and a member of our team of developers, the layout for the final course of action is decided and the process of development gets going. You may please share your inputs online, as prompted, and wait briefly for the response. You will get to know everything related to your ready custom project from the person responding to you.

Just share your personalized needs and choices with us and see your pet project taking shape at a most affordable cost unmatched by any other under supervision of a dedicated project manager. Alternatively, you may also call our customer help desk and speak to our ever-friendly customer care executive, who will ask you a few simple questions to ascertain your requirements and guide you to the next step.

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